Settle Your Divorce Fairly Without Leaving It To Chance Or To Your Ex To Control
Even if You And Your Ex Don't Agree on Anything
what the experts know but will not tell you!


There is ONLY one pot of money to be divided and the more paid in legal fees the Less everyone will have
How To Spend Less on Your Divorce Without Risking Your Share (even if you & your ex don't get along)  
what the experts know but will not tell you!


There is ONLY one pot of money to be divided and the more paid in legal fees the Less everyone will have
How To Spend Less on Your Divorce Without Risking Your Share (even if you & your ex don't get along)  
what the experts know but will not tell you!
The problem is... most people don't realize that "the law" is only one small part of what going through divorce is all about.
At the end of the day, divorce is more about numbers than anything else... who gets what and how much what they get is worth, how much does each person earn and who pays what for support.
SAVED CLIENT $10,000 in legal fees when she finally understood HOW THE DIVORCE PROCESS WORKED and instead of going to court she prepared a settlement proposal to her husband. 
“I finally feel like I have a plan and can see that there is hope that things will start to change. Thanks Rose, I am so grateful to have finally understand how the divorce process works and what is possible."

From the desk of Rose Simard

As an experience divorce mediator, divorce financial consultant and settlement strategist, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly of divorce... the divorce system has no standard process to help people with their finances while going through divorce.

I’ve seen first-hand how divorce can negatively impact people’s finances, families and futures when people don’t have the right information needed to navigate their divorce which means they can end up in a worse financial position than when they started.

Legal fees can add up quickly, when finances are not organized at the start of the process.

Before you start working with a lawyer you need to get organized otherwise you're going to spend $2,000 to $5,000 to have a lawyer simply collect and organize your financial documents before even having any idea what you have to gain or lose.

If you don't figure out or understand your finances quickly, you're more likely to be taken advantage of or forced into agreeing to something that is not fair or equitable.

If you don't know how to prepare or evaluate a settlement offer to finalize who gets what and pays who...

Worst of all your divorce will take much longer than it needs to and you'll end up losing your fair share to legal fees for something lawyers don't do in the first place; organize your assets in a way that gets you a fair and equitable divorce settlement.
It's easy to get overwhelmed by divorce process because often feels like learning a foreign language, there is a tonne of paperwork and not to mention feeling like the whole world is watching and judging you.

It's no wonder people want lawyers to handle their divorce for them!

We are also led to believe they aren't capable of managing their divorce on their own so they rely too heavily on their lawyers - even though 80% of active divorce cases never go to court!

While there is no law or rule that says you need to hire a lawyer to get divorced...I'm not saying you shouldn't hire one... I am saying hiring a lawyer shouldn't be the first thing you need to do.

The truth is making your divorce work is going to be up to you. 
You CANNOT get divorced without understanding how the divorce process works and how it applies to your situation.

So you have two choices:

You pay and learn from your lawyer when they are available or...

You learn on your own time and search the internet for everything you need.

But what if I told you it didn't have to take that long...

That's why I'm sharing everything I know about the divorce process....

For only $27!

The truth is hiring a lawyer won't take the hurt away or make your divorce go faster

Too many people think hiring a lawyer means they won't have to deal the things that make them uncomfortable... like having to deal with an angry ex, having to make co-parenting decisions or even deal with managing their finances.

So...they hire a lawyer thinking they will be protected and will automatically get their fair share... what they deserve.

Or they hire a shark of a lawyer to fight for 'their best interests' not realizing this comes at a cost... at the expense of the other party and their combined finances.

Or do nothing and hope things will just work out.

While there is no law or rule that says you need to hire a lawyer to get divorced...You CANNOT get divorced without agreeing how property is to be divided and this can't be done until finances are organized in a way you know what there is to gain or lose before you start negotiating.

Furthermore, if you don't know how to evaluate a divorce proposal you are putting your financial future at risk because you won't ever know if you were short changed or are lucky with what you got - either way the feeling of uncertainty and doubt will linger for years to come destroying your chance for a clean break and the fresh start you deserve.
That's why I'm sharing my best resources which have helped hundreds of clients quickly organize their finances and get clear on their options so they can confidently settle their divorce as quickly as possible.


What Experts Know But Will Not Tell You!

The truth is there is no secret to getting divorced but there is one critical step that is the required for EVERY divorce...
Getting your finances organized and summarized with all the information and details required to apply the laws to your situation - no matter where you live.

 Knowing the facts and figures will pull you through whatever challenges and conflicts you encounter during your divorce.

The Secret Divorce Shortcut is a fill-in-the blank template that will ensure you have collected and organized all the needed information and details to negotiate a divorce settlement that makes sense for you... with or without lawyers.

For Only $47!

(Instead of paying a lawyer $2,500 or more!)

You deserve to move on with your life knowing you were not manipulated, taken advantage of and feeling forced to agree to something you don't understand and will regret for years to come.

If you have assets or debts to divide, the sooner you have a handle on your finances the quicker your divorce will be completed.


Imagine Getting Through Your Divorce In Half The Time, And For A Fraction Of The Cost You Would Pay A Lawyer To Handle It All For You 

Even If Finances Aren't Your Thing

Knowledge is power.
With it, you have
strength and leverage.
Being prepared will
afford you more
peace of mind and control.
Knowing what to expect and when will allow you to make quicker decisions.

If you're wondering if The Secret Divorce Shortcut will truly save you time...

The answer is a resounding YES.

The Secret Divorce Shortcut will show you:

  • How the divorce process actually works so you don't waste time doing things out of order.
  • How to make informed decisions quickly based on what you know without worrying something has been missed or left out.
  • How to select a divorce route that will save you the most time and money.
  • ​Where and how to get started to move on with your life faster.
  • ​Exactly what you need to do and when so you don't get detoured or delayed.

*The average divorce in Canada and U.S. takes 18 months and costs $15,000 per person.

*The average divorce in Canada and U.S. takes 18 months and costs $15,000 per person.


24/7 Access to the Secret Divorce Shortcut Members Only Site which includes:

  • ​Matrimonial Property Template Fill in the blank word document to collect and organize all the information you need to start negotiating your divorce with or without a lawyer
  • ​30 Divorce Truths What The Experts Know And Don't Want to Tell You
  • Documentation Requirements for the Different Divorce Routes So You Don't Waste Your Time Collecting Documents Not Needed 
  • The NO BS Divorce GPS That Lays Out Exactly What You Need To Do and When
  • ​The most common questions answered about child support so you can make sense of what child support is and isn't without the constant battle with your ex.
  • ​Complete Property Guide That Details What Is and Isn't Included So You Can Reach An Agreement Faster
  • Documentation Basics and Tips So You Can Put Your Hand On A Document When You Need It Quickly
  • Top 3 Hacks That Will Speed Up Your Divorce
  • 30 Divorce Truths The Experts Are Not Telling You
  • 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make That Get In The Way of Quick Divorce
  • The 4 Stages of Divorce That Lays Out Exactly What You Need To Do and When
  • ​Top 3 Hacks That Will Speed Up Your Divorce
  • ​Pros and Cons of the Various Divorce Routes Available
  • ​Property Guide To Know What Is and Isn't Included
  • ​Documentation Basics and Tips So You Can Put Your Hand On A Document When You Need It
  • ​Negotiation Secrets To Get What You Want
  • ​Decision Mastery Template
  • ​Constructive Communication Checklist

Plus, you'll get these FREE bonuses!

…this template will help you identify and list your priorities which will guide you throughout the divorce process, help you make informed decisions and prevent you from wasting time reacting unnecessarily to your ex's demands.
The Priorities Pathway is an essential tool to communicate to your legal team so they can represent you effectively.
Value $27........ Free
…is a checklist and action steps that will help you make decisions about how expenses will be handled and by who in a timely manner until finances are permanently separated. 
The Cash Flow Checklist is key to managing your finances without problems during and after divorce.
Value $37........ Free
...helps you navigate any conversation so you remain unshakeable and get others to work with you instead of against you which means you get what you want.
The Fearless Negotiation Toolkit is the essential resource to ensure you show up confidently and in control in your divorce.
Value $47........ Free
confident communication hacks
…are proven tips and tricks to help you communicate confidently in person, over email or text and specifically with difficult conversations.
…Ultimately you are the best person to control and manage your divorce.  You'll be ready and able to create unique solutions best suited for you and your family when you understand your options, what to watch for and what you need to do.



Let's face it - breakups are tough. 

If you've been waiting for that someone to handle your divorce for you, they are not coming...

And they never will.

It's easy to think (or so you've been led to believe) handing your divorce over to a lawyer is best.


What if I told you...there was a way to spend less, share more and start fresh faster?

As a financial divorce professional, I am tired of seeing people rely on a system that often leaves people worse off after divorce...

...disillusioned and broken because the system does not educate or provide people like you with the resources to get things done quickly and affordably.

I created The Secret Divorce Shortcut because I want to share the resources and knowledge I have shared with hundreds of clients.
My mission is to save you time and money – as much as possible. I want you to have the time to enjoy your new life and stop stressing about putting the past behind you.

For every person who purchases The Secret Divorce Shortcut, I estimate they will free up to 20 hours of legal services and up to $10,000 in legal fees that could be better applied to building their future rather than expecting and paying lawyers to do what you'll end up doing for yourself if you want to get divorced.

To date, I have helped my clients save over $4M in legal fees – by sharing with them the exact same resources.

Founder of CAIM
Creator of The MINDFUL Divorce Method
Chief Creator of DARE TO DREAM Program
Divorce Financial Consultant 
 Divorce Mediator
Settlement Strategist
Communication & Conflict Coach

Are you ready to fast track your divorce?
But where do you start? What are you supposed to do?

I lay that all out for you...

The Secret Divorce Shortcut will help you plan out your divorce with strategy and intention... so that you know exactly what needs to be done and when to organize your finances.

100% Risk Free

We offer a 7-day 
Money Back Guarantee!

If you don't feel the Secret Divorce Shortcut is worth the $47 within 7 days of purchase, reach out to us for a full refund.  Fair enough?
“What if my spouse won’t work with me?”
This is not uncommon and is the reason why most people hire lawyers. They hope their lawyer can handle the business of divorce for them. Certainly seek out advice and help from a lawyer but you can never completely rely on anyone else but yourself to take care of the business of divorce for you. Your lawyer needs to know what you want to avoid delays and detours.
“I've already hired a lawyer. How will this help me?”
No worries at all. There’s no rule that says you must have your lawyer do all the work required on your divorce. Remember only  "the law" is only a small part of what going through divorce is all about. Equipped with The Secret Divorce Shortcut will ensure you stay on track and are better able to manage your lawyer fees by knowing what you can do for yourself.
“What if I have the money but I don't have the time?
The truth is getting divorced is a lot of work whether you hire a lawyer or not.  Lawyers don't prepare financial documents nor do they separate your property.  Their job is to handle the legal stuff only. Making your divorce work is going to be up to you.  The Secret Divorce Shortcut will designed to ensure you get what needs done quickly.
“How does The Secret Divorce Shortcut deal with the different laws in different provinces and states?”
While it’s important to know the laws that apply to your situation, you must also understand that the divorce process is the same no matter where you live. The Secret Divorce Shortcut is about the business of divorce and helps you work through the 4 stages of divorce that are the same no matter where you live. This will prevent you from wasting time and money focusing on the wrong things that are either not relevant for your situation or not relevant at that point in time.
“How do I access the Secret Divorce Shortcut?
Upon your purchase you'll get immediate access to The Secret Divorce Shortcut Membership Site that will include all the curated information and resources all in one spot.  You'll be guided to set up your unique log in and will also receive an email confirmation with your purchase details and log in information.
“What if my spouse won’t work with me?”
This is not uncommon and is the reason why most people hire lawyers. They hope their lawyer can handle the business of divorce for them. Certainly seek out advice and help from a lawyer but you can never completely rely on anyone else but yourself to take care of the business of divorce for you. Your lawyer needs to know what you want to avoid delays and detours.
“I've already hired a lawyer. How will this help me?”
No worries at all. There’s no rule that says you must have your lawyer do all the work required on your divorce. Remember only  "the law" is only a small part of what going through divorce is all about. Equipped with The Secret Divorce Shortcut will ensure you stay on track and are better able to manage your lawyer fees by knowing what you can do for yourself.
“What if I have the money but I don't have the time?
The truth is getting divorced is a lot of work whether you hire a lawyer or not.  Lawyers don't prepare financial documents nor do they separate your property.  Their job is to handle the legal stuff only. Making your divorce work is going to be up to you.  The Secret Divorce Shortcut will designed to ensure you get what needs done quickly.
“How does The Secret Divorce Shortcut deal with the different laws in different provinces and states?”
While it’s important to know the laws that apply to your situation, you must also understand that the divorce process is the same no matter where you live. The Secret Divorce Shortcut is about the business of divorce and helps you work through the 4 stages of divorce that are the same no matter where you live. This will prevent you from wasting time and money focusing on the wrong things that are either not relevant for your situation or not relevant at that point in time.
“How do I access the Secret Divorce Shortcut?
Upon your purchase you'll get immediate access to The Secret Divorce Shortcut Membership Site that will include all the curated information and resources all in one spot.  You'll be guided to set up your unique log in and will also receive an email confirmation with your purchase details and log in information.

Important Note: The Secret Divorce Shortcut is intended for general information purposes and does not represent legal advice as to any particular set of facts.  Please consult the appropriate professional as necessary.

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